The Linda Report: May 2008

"How Sweet It Is."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Happy Anniversary to my husband!
"True love is selfless, you know that."
May 19, 2008
Thank you.

I'm Healed!

Saturday, May 17, 2008
I wrote this post, then forgot to publish it. I must be back at work!
Happy Memorial Day!

Well as of this past week it was 12 weeks to the day from the surgery and I'm finally all healed up!

I know I've written it before, but thank you, thank you, thank you for the prayers, the cards, the support. Especially to Anna, Barb, Bego, Christina, Linda, all the catechists at SPX and staff. This has been some event and I'm glad we can all get to some sort of normalcy.
Which for me means, driving and exercise - building up to my previous level and of course, grocery shopping, cleaning the house...wait maybe this wasn't all it was cracked up to be??? Yes it is.

Needles and Pins

Friday, May 9, 2008
Friday marked the next to last anticipated visit to Dr. G's "House of Fun and Steri-strips"!

She wished out loud for a drum roll, which I supplied, (Oh this doctor is going to miss me!) while she "unveiled" the steri-strips today. The "blow hole" went from pea size last Friday to pin size yesterday! Yeah!

I guess it doesn't even deserve the status of a "blow hole" any more. If I were a "sea mammal" I wouldn't be able to catch my breath any more. Again Yeah!

On the "back to work front" or in my mind, "first step in getting back to being me", things are starting to click a little better. I'm not as tired at this point in the week as I was last Friday. I'm beginning to anticipate to more of a degree what needs to be done and answer questions with a little more alacrity. Which is definitely good, as Miss B is out at a wedding in Jekyll this weekend and I already doubled booked myself for Sunday morning. Oh yes,
"Check yourself before you wreck yourself" Miss Linda is on her way back!

Peas are my new favorite vegetable!

Friday, May 2, 2008
Dr. G. was very pleased yesterday to see my incision has gone together more than half from where it was last Friday. She says it's about the size of a pea. I never really liked peas - I found them to be small, green and wrinkly, and they tasted, peas, but they sound awesome now.

Still thoroughly wiped out, even with sleeping in today, course I did take a good "healthy stretch of the legs" (name that movie) around Old Town. But, it feels so good to know there's progress being made here. I was beginning to get a complex.