The Linda Report: Days 31 & 32 Cameo Appearances

Days 31 & 32 Cameo Appearances

Barb R. made a cameo appearance Friday bringing a fish sandwich from the new Lenten staple - Wendy's. If you haven't had one yet, I'd say theirs is better than McDonald's. We had a very enjoyable visit. I'm realizing not oddly, that I 'm not so much in a hurry to get back to the work of working, but to the people. It's a great blessing to work with someone who is also your friend, or at SPX to work with people who are my friends and family.

I received word Friday that the dressing changes were going down to one a day. Yeah. I will take that as progress. Nurse D. continues to be happy with the top of the incision, but the bottom is still being stubborn. There is something called "slough", dead cells which need to be removed she says for it to heal properly. Nurse D. said to ask the doctor to numb the area and cut it out...right! Option B? Yes - the Drs. de G. came by Saturday, more below, Dr. Elizabeth said that Dr. G could silver nitrate it. It hurts, but that's what she's been doing so at least it's familiar pain. Sad, I know.

Our favorite Sports Editor was covering, I can't remember if it was baseball, soccer or golf or some combination thereof. With all the bad weather and cancellations I can't keep track. He's a wizard just for being able to keep it all together!


The de Give film studios Inc. moved their operation to our house to have me make a video cameo for the last RCIC class on Holy Week. Getting up in front of a group of people and speaking off the cuff, no problem. But in front of one small video camera - it's humbling. I've read recently from the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, the Interior Castle, that to move deeper into the mansions of the soul i.e. closer to God we have to be humbled, many times for some of us - me. Lately, it looks like I'm making my move!

Or course like any other time or really most of the time now, I started praying for the Spirit to give me enlightenment to say something that would speak to the children, what He wanted them to be given. Here's what he gave me:

This coming Holy Week is special and it's important to be a part of it. It's about the sights, smells, sounds, way things - words, make us feel. It's not just listening to stories of our faith, it's about being a part of something so big the world couldn't contain it. That as in John 3:16-17 " God so loved the world that he gave his his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world...that the world might be saved through him.

This is our holiest of weeks tells us that we are part of something so wonderful, so amazing, this Love to save us from death, that opened up the gates on the road to heaven to be with God the Father, the Son, the Spirit, all the angels and saints forever.

But its up to us to see, to hear, to listen, to smell, to touch, to come and be a part of sing, to kneel to stand not like robots, but like babies. Have you every watched a baby and seen the way they take in the whole world with their eyes? That's what we need to do this week. Holy week ends Lent and on Holy Thursday at sundown, we begin our three holiest of days, the Triduum. Holy Thursday at sundown to Good Friday at sundown Day one, Good Friday at sundown to Holy Saturday at sundown, Day two, Holy Saturday at sundown to Easter Sunday at sundown, Day Three.

We come to feast at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. We come to grieve, to be sad at the Stations and show our respect at the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday. There is no Mass anywhere in the world in Good Friday. We come to Stations knowing that our sins nailed Jesus to that cross and he choose to feel all the pain and agony for us, for all of us. So we come Friday night to venerate, to honor to respect and kiss this device of torture and death because Jesus chose his fate because he loved us so much. He would rather die than live without us without you in paradise. At the close of Good Friday, all the lights go out in the church, and the Blessed Sacrament is removed from our presence and we are alone to grieve and wait by Jesus in the tomb.

Good Friday in my house growing up and today is a day of no TV, no video games, no reading for fun, no music and lots of quiet. It's a day to think about how much God loves us and to ask ourselves how much do we love him?

Holy Saturday is likewise a quiet day around the house, but with an anticipation for what is to come, we get the house for family and guests, prepare special food. Easter Sunday is full of celebration and joy. At church everything is white and gold and fresh, the songs are rich, full, and vibrant. And so are our souls, because we know that Jesus is risen from the dead! He has broken the hold of death on our souls and we can now be with him in paradise. It's is a great day! Listen, smell, hear, touch, taste, don't miss a minute!

"The Patient"
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March 16, 2008 at 8:32 PM

Dear Linda, The video was a smash hit with the RCIC class; and as many times as we had watched it, we were moved once again to tears with you! Jim and I think maybe that's the answer we have been looking for - put the lessons on video and play it on the big screen! Thank you so much for your incredible witness. We know it was on short notice, that you physically are not feeling well, and there were some mighty forces in those hail storms to try and stop us - but the Spirit was stronger. Awesome! With all our love, Elizabeth and Jim and Mark, the camera man    

March 16, 2008 at 8:44 PM

nicely done, Chica.    

March 16, 2008 at 9:21 PM

I heard from afar of my odd family's doings, and kudos to you for going along with it. I'm impressed you avoided having to sing one of my father's songs. I'm coming home soon! Watch out.    

March 17, 2008 at 1:23 PM

Been reading much?

Okay, who gives only 4 stars to Frankenstein, and The Once and Future King?

And 5 to all that fluff wannabe detective stuff?

(I'm waiting for the Shakespeare reviews. It will be a barometer--just thought I'd point that out in advance).    

March 18, 2008 at 9:49 PM

to Elizabteh - I ended up feeling very much a vehicle for the Holy Spirit and that is a whole other humbleness all together. We could have a lot of people do cameos. Thanks for letting me be a part of the class.

to Laura - not odd, creative, and You're father probably figured I would have passed out, no pun intended if I had to sing on camera. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

to Bego - Shakespeare, "The Hack", well he's gets a 6 don't you know ; ) I just watched the film version of "that Scottish Play" It was excellent - it's my fav! Wink, wink!    

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